Enhancing Video Encryption Speed: Evaluating Chaotic Maps for PRBG Implementation

15 Mar 2024


(1) Dong Jiang, School of Internet, Anhui University, National Engineering Research Center of Agro-Ecological Big Data Analysis and Application, Anhui University & [email protected];

(2) Zhen Yuan, School of Internet, Anhui University;

(3) Wen-xin Li, School of Internet, Anhui University;

(4) Liang-liang Lu, Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Normal University, National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing & [email protected].

Abstract & Introduction

Strategy Description

Encryption Speed Evaluation

Statistical Evaluation

Security Analysis

Parameter Setup

Comparison To Previous Works


Acknowledgments & References

3. Encryption Speed Evaluation

To evaluate the encryption speed of the proposed strategy, two highly-cited chaotic maps are selected to implement PRBGs. The first PRBG uses two Piecewise Linear Chaotic Maps (PLCM) [26], which is defined as follows:

Three hardware platforms are selected to carry out the evaluations. The specifications of the platforms are listed in Tab. 1. The software development environment are as follows: Ubuntu 20.04 operating system, OpenCV 4.2.0, and g++ 9.4.0.

Figure 2: Speed evaluation of byte generation, confusion, and diffusion steps, (a-c) throughput of all PRBGas versus the number of assistant threads, (d-f) average time of confusion operations versus the number of assistant threads, (g-i) average time of diffusion operations versus the number of assistant threads.

Second, we set the rounds of confusion and diffusion r to 5 (see section 6 for the reasons), perform five rounds of confusion operations on 100 images of size 960×960 with different number of assistant threads, calculate the average time to scramble an image, and plot the results in 2 (d)-(f). Similarly, we use different number of assistant threads to generate byte sequences, perform five rounds of diffusion operations on 100 images of size 960 × 960 using the generated bytes, and calculate the average time to complete five rounds of diffusion operations on an image. The relationship between the average diffusion time (including byte generations and diffusion operations) are drawn in Fig. 2 (g)-(i). Compared with the single-threaded versions of byte generation, confusion, and diffusion, clearly, the proposed strategy significantly speeds up these steps.

Third, to evaluate the practical performance of the proposed strategy, a set of videos of different sizes are encrypted using the deployed cryptosystems. Similar to above experiments, the rounds of confusion and diffusion r is set to 5. The number of assistant threads n are set to 8, 12, and 32 for laptop, personal computer, and workstation, respectively (see section 6 for the reasons). The Frames Per Second (FPS) of the selected vidoes is 20, that is, the maximum time for encrypting a frame must be less than 50ms, otherwise, there will exist delay during encryption and transmission. Each video consists of 600 frames. The average encryption time are listed in Tab. 2, which shows that real-time 576×576, 672×672, and 960×960 video encryption are realized using Intel Core i5-1135G7, Intel Core i7-8700, and Intel Xeon Gold 6226R, respectively.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.